Sunday, June 26, 2011

CAIN - The 1 "UNTAINTED" Candidate

I like Herman Cain because of the "...content of his character". A measuring tool to be applied to ALL public 'elected or appointed' officials.

It is my feeling that the ESTABLISHMENT (media, govt, etc) has absolutely NO INTEREST in giving any credence to a non-political candidate. If a businessman can win the highest office and actually do well, there is no reason to continue
to think that Senatorships or Representative offices are breeders for the highest office. Excluding Governors - - Senators and Reps. have NO SKILL SET to run anything. And while Governors may well run large budgets - there is a difference - - IT'S NOT THEIR MONEY!!!!!!!!!
A businessman that has to make a multi-million $ decision vs. a Governor having to make a multi-million $ decision is not the same thing!!!!!
The continued statements that have been made in many circles (especially the media talking heads) that Herman Cain “…is not even close to any of the rest of the candidates, he has no history" confound me.
He has no history AT WHAT????????????
Duplicity??? - Speechmaking??? - Shaking Hands??? - Campaigning??? - Obfuscation of issues??? - Political Nepotism??? - and so on and so on?? These - among others - are the skill set of our elected officials (politicians).
While using my previous measuring stick (about business experience)  allows Romney some leeway - I am the first to (sadly) admit that Romney (while having been a businessman) has become so politicized that I do not trust him to supersede his political acumen for his business sense. He has the skill set - but I believe it has been eroded by cronyism and an entrenchment in the political establishment.
Ron Paul - YES - does have an immense knowledge of economics and the underpinnings of our decades long financial decline. His social issues also seem to be firm and rooted in conservative values. BUT - his foreign and military stances are so rooted in isolationism and libertarian ideology that I cannot support his stances there. The issues involved in our global economic immersion and military presence are far more complex than Ron seems to want to admit. 

Herman Cain is the only "untainted" candidate out there.

His answers to questions about foreign policy are always based upon his knowledge of the problem. Not being in the inner circle and not privy to sensitive secret issues disallows him to give the answers people want to here. THAT IS HONEST. Any good businessman knows you can't make pronouncements regarding issues without all the necessary facts. Herman Cain will never tell you what you want to hear for the sake of having something to say. Once again, THAT IS HONEST.
Obama made grand statements and promises about foreign policy and military issues during his campaign but then got into office (learned what only a president and a select few really know) and had to say WHOA !!!!!
Cain is smart enough to know better.
As to the myriad of statements out there that this is a lackluster field of candidates -I say NOT TRUE!!!
The continuous bandying (amongst many) of the “lackluster” term is nothing more than the media’s way of trying to tell us all that “we are not worthy” – yet. I would say to those keeping their eye on the Republican dash for the party candidacy, - - PAY ATTENTION TO THE ONE PERSON THE ADMINISTRATION TALKS ABOUT THE LEAST. That will be who they fear most.!!!

Right now that seems to be Herman Cain. It is my belief that the Obama administration is “SCARED TO DEATH” of Herman Cain. My guess is they don’t want to do anything that would give Herman Cain a chance at increased exposure or notice. No matter what he says – They won’t respond. No matter what he proposes. They won’t respond. They will respond to something said by Romney, or Gingrich, or Paul, or Pawlenty, etc. They don’t believe any of those candidates have a ghost of a chance of rallying enough independent votes to hurt them. But Herman Cain – Oh, he doesn’t even exist. Obama would ‘shake in his boots’ if he ever had to debate Herman Cain without a nearby teleprompter. Oh – I would pay to see that !!!!!!!!!!!!! 

At this point "Howdy Doody" would do a better job at President than the present guy in the office and "Buffalo Bob" isn't even here to speak for him. (Wow-really dated myself there)
Give Herman Cain another look - perhaps you might find he isn't as "Lackluster" as you think!!
There are those that say we can't have someone learning on the job??? What is a President to learn???
The job of President IS NOT to know everything about every subject. CAN'T and WON'T HAPPEN!!
Every applicant to the job (excluding the idiot in now) has had some history in some area of expertise in his past. Maybe economics, perhaps foreign affairs, or social issues , or energy - or military and defense – or something.
The job of President is NOT to know everything or even anything - it is to DECIDE on everything. He has to be a decision maker. That is the key.
When a person takes on the mantle of President he MUST surround himself with competent people that have the knowledge of issues that he doesn't. He must have a cadre of people that will tell him what he wants to hear as well as what he doesn't want to hear.
Today’s politicians surround themselves with credentialed individuals that have a politically nepotistic reason for being there. (They know somebody, went to school with somebody, financially supported somebody, and so on). It is a culture of "Quid Pro Quo" politics. That has to stop.
The man or woman we put into office has to have the ability (and courage) to surround himself/herself with the right advisors and then make immediate and forthright decisions based on the information he/she has. That's it. No more complicated than that.
Obama took 6 days to decide to shoot the pirates that took one of our captains hostage off the Somalia coast. A decision that doesn't need more than a few hours to make.
He took 3 months to answer his Gen on the troop surge in the Afghan war. A decision that should have taken no more than several days. (An elected President, prior to his inauguration, is brought up to speed on EVERY issue.
That is what a “lame duck presidency” is for). His explanation of having to ssess the issue was as stupid as it was lame.
I had heard that the Navy Seals built a mockup of the Bin Laden compound and practiced their mission for 7 months (7 MONTHS). If they built the compound 7 months ago they must have had the intel for the mission way before that as well. WHAT THE HELL TOOK SO LONG TO PULL THAT TRIGGER?
There are countless more examples of Obama hedging on decisions in order to take the measure of the political wind.
How many times did Senator Obama vote “Present” while in Congress??????????????????
Not only is this guy (Obama) in office devoid of any knowledge about issues, he has incompetent advisors as well - whose only purpose is to advise him of a decision's impact on his party, his stature, or his legacy. If you think Anthony Weiner was a narcissist, take another look at Obama.
We need a decision maker. Someone that can look at an issue (no matter how complicated) with a "Cost benefit analysis" and PULL THE TRIGGER. If he is wrong - then he is wrong - but make the damn decision.
As to Herman Cain - I believe him when he says "...I will put the right people around me that have the foreign policy experience, economic experience, legal expertise, trade knowledge, etc.", and so on and so on.
People that have the knowledge to tell him - this ruler is " this and has ...this agenda... and responds to this" or "this country wants this to happen or is trying to accomplish this or that” - or " the history on this issue is this" - and so on and so on."

Presidents never have to know everything – they have to DECIDE ON EVERYTHING!

In closing – does anyone really think that any established career politician would EVER have the Courage, Chutzpah, Cojones, or Nerve to come into office and eliminate whole departments of people? Remember – career politicians are all part of the same family – and families protect their own. All of the countless directors, managers, chiefs, supervisors and czars are all appointed by – guess who !!!! POLITICIANS.
The ONLY CHANCE we have to correct the horrid and miserable state of affairs in our bloated and self serving government is to elect an "UNTAINTED"  candidate into the Oval Office and give him the majority he needs in both houses such that he can GET THINGS DONE.

Herman Cain doesn't need on the job training - He is a decision maker now !!!!!!!!!!!!

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