Monday, June 27, 2011

To All Republican Candidates - TAKE THE GLOVES OFF -

Yes – you want to be the one to oppose Barack Obama

Yes – you want to be President of the United States

Yes – you want to reverse the direction of the Country

Well then:

Stop – being politically correct

Stop – dodging the SEVERITY of reality

Stop – being civil in an uncivil confrontation

As each of you speak to the crowds you attract, your message has to be that the travesty in the White House HAS TO COME TO AN END!

Each of you has different ideas on what needs to be done to correct where this country is now heading.

You may be big on RIGHT TO LIFE, maybe your opinions are hugely PRO ISRAEL, perhaps you think TAXES ARE TOO HIGH, or maybe you want the FED DISSOLVED right after you tackle the huge IMMIGRATION NIGHTMARE confronting all of us. Whatever your hot points are - - - -

They are the same for all of your competitors!!!

During this campaign to win the Republican nomination you only have to win over the folks that already believe in your platforms. Barring a rogue isolationism issue as proffered by Ron Paul or a libertarian policy of Lawful Marijuana as proposed by Gary Johnson you are all in agreement on what is wrong with the country today. We (the independent and Republican voters) will decide on one of you based on issues other than your platforms – those issues will be



DO WE THINK YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH THE TASK ONCE IN OFFICE?? (whether you have a majority in both houses or not). (And YES -we know it will be tougher without the majorities you want)

That’s it!! That simple. No more complicated than that.

So as you continue to campaign for our votes in this battle to be the nominee –

Speak to winning our belief in you, play to our trust issues, and try to prove to us that you can get things done once in office – and then:


Even though you are attempting to woo those of us on the right and in the middle to select you as the nominee – EVERYONE IS WATCHING AND LISTENING!


Stop – telling us Obama is well intentioned

Stop – saying Obama just doesn’t understand the economy or capitalism

Stop – pandering to the left (they hate you today, they’ll hate you tomorrow)

Stop – saying the numbers proffered by the Administration are “in error” or “poorly defined”

You will have months to deliver your message from one primary to another. Every single time you need to highlight the UTTER INCOMPETANCE of the guy in Office now.



We all know about Obama’s policies and we certainly know what the policies of liberals and progressives have to offer. There are no news flashes there. What the public needs to hear OVER AND OVER is that this President (irrespective of his policies) is INCOMPETANT.

The decisions he makes are WRONG (healthcare, et al) - JUVENILE (remember the Beer Summit, et al) – RACIST (Black Panthers, et al) – UNTIMELY (troop surge request, et al) and even DANGEROUS (Israel Pre 1967 borders, et al).

So in conclusion – Use the next year to get us to believe in you, trust in you, and buy the fact that you can accomplish a task once given it. But while you have the stage – TAKE THE GLOVES OFF!!!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Dear Mr. Cain
I have a MAHRvelous proposal!!!! (Sorry for the pun)

There is great concern across the country about what must be done to bring our nation back onto a sustainable financial path. The answer is simple, though painful. Entitlements have to go away. Period!!!! There cannot be any sacred cows!!! The problem is everyone will scream – “Take his money” – “not mine”!!! The other problem is - who is going to be the “Bad Guy” that makes the cuts? The Republicans are itching to get their power back. OK. But will they actually be content to be the “Bad Guy”? I wonder. Cutting school lunches, eliminating free cheese, dismantling social security, really ending pork project spending, and so on.  Regaining power in 2012 and attempting to set the financial ship aright can only play into the Progressives hand. They will be waiting in 2016 to be swept back into office on a carpet of riotous dissent from the poor and disaffected from the previous 4 years.
There is an answer though –
If you are going to take away something from someone, you have to give something in return or
exchange that is as important to them as what they are losing.

A FLAT TAX – not a value tax – not a sales tax – not any variable tax of any kind. A FLAT TAX

So many times we hear the proponents of a national sales tax spout about how it incents people to save because we aren't taxed on what we save but only on what we spend. WELL !!!!!! That's great for the period of time that I am saving. But after putting away a little each paycheck something will come up that I can now finally afford. A new TV, new car, add a garage to the house - etc. - Well!! There goes the benefit of the “Fair” tax - right out the window. We get hit as soon as we finally spend what we have saved for so long - So what is the difference??? The only way to avoid it is to DIE with a lot of money in the bank. Doesn't seem too appealing to me!! You still get taxed on everything you earn because eventually you will want to spend it


The other down and dirty issue is that a “Fair Tax” would only promote a whole massive Black-market of traders, swappers, and barterers, all trying to get around an onerous (20% or more) tax. It would be a nightmare. Right now we have a whole host of people using deductions and tax exclusions and numerous loopholes to circumvent the tax code. Using a “Fair” tax would only shift the same people’s efforts. (See Steve Forbes for specifics!!!!). Ever know anybody that has paid cash for a product or service to get out of paying a 7 or 8% sales tax???? I'll bet you have!! The buyers gets away without paying the extra money in tax and the seller omits having to hold, document, and pay out the tax money collected. What do you think it will be like when a tax jumps to 23%?????

Flat Tax proponents have bandied about numerous rates (15%, 17%, 20% and so forth). But those rates are all based on the present bloated federal spending.

If we can strip out all those things the federal government shouldn’t even be involved in, we could pare that number down to 10%. Yep – 10% for EVERYONE. PERIOD. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Withholding will still take place. That infrastructure can stay in place. There will be no tax deductions of any kind. For anyone. PERIOD. No Filing, No refunds, No tax incentives, no tax penalties. Nothing.

10% is 10%

A person who makes 50,000 a year will pay 5,000 in taxes.

A person who makes 5 Million will pay 500,000 in taxes. Yep – the rich will pay more automatically!!

Yep – that means someone that makes 10 times as much money as you will pay ten times as much tax as you.

Wow – what a concept!!!

That is really the only fair way to tax the population and take away the power that taxing gives to politicians.

The IRS – all of it – goes away. (As will H&R Block and every other Tax Service)

Let’s put that monumental talent pool (insert sarcastic smirk here) back into the private sector.

People constantly say that Medicare is the largest entitlement or Social Security or Medicaid. – Well. They are wrong. The largest entitlement group (by volume) is the 47% of the population that pays NO TAXES!!

The only reason the politicians want the rich taxed so heavily is because the lower classes don’t even pay taxes – so who cares if they are working or not. The Progressives could care less if the people are working or not (they can’t get anything from them [since they don’t pay taxes] – except votes) as long as they can keep over-taxing rich people and evil corporations. Power is supreme. So, as long as the Progressives can keep more than ½ of the country not paying any taxes, they can expect to keep receiving over ½ of the votes to keep them in power.

The largest entitlement group is the group that is entitled to pay NO TAXES. That has to stop.

And by the way – this proposal is NOT a “Tax everyone 10% proposal” Nope!!!!!

This is a “KEEP 90% of everything you earn” proposal. That is how it needs to be sold!!

10% of every dollar earned in the country is more than enough to sustain the needs of the federal government.

Offering such a simplified tax code – at such a low rate – and eliminating the IRS and ending the yearly mess and consternation over tax returns forever might just be enough to allow us to swallow the bad medicine in order to make us healthier.

If you want cheese go to your city or county or state. If you want school lunches go to your city or county or state. If you want ANYTHING, don’t look to the federal government to provide it. Go to your local organizations, churches and communities for whatever you want.

10% is enough for the federal government. (Ray Stevens said it best musically when he crooned “If ten percent is good enough for Jesus it ought to be enough for Uncle Sam”)

Eliminate EVERY federal tax on any and every product. Fuel, cigarettes, utilities, etc. All go away.

If you allow everyone to take home substantially more money from their paychecks and (at the same time) make products that were federally taxed cheaper to buy plus eliminate the onerous IRS all at the same time, you just might be able to get the people in this country to go along with the huge cuts to their entitlements that must be made.
Millions would be affected by entitlement cuts – but hundreds of millions would be blessed with lower taxes and cheaper prices.
Given the success of the Obama campaign for the Presidency – (The complete ruse foisted upon the American voter with the Hope and Change message) – this solution can be sold to the public just as easily.
Everyone seems to believe the thought that in order to cut spending some part of the American public has to lose. Either this part of the public or that part of the public and so on. NOT TRUE!
The issue of who has to bear the brunt of spending cuts always compares different parts of society and their need for federal assistance. Which group needs their money more? (Seniors, Medicare recipients, school lunch programs, education assistance users, etc)
The one group that never makes that list is the Government itself.
When you take away social security benefits or Medicare benefits or school lunches and so on – but in return – give back to each person lower withholding, cheaper gas, cheaper utilities, cheaper cigarettes, etc – then the only person that really loses is the government. It has gotten smaller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The government is more than willing to pit us against each other in the argument about spending cuts when in reality the solution is as simple as giving them (the government) less and us (taxpayers) keeping more.
If redistribution of wealth is really Obama’s creed (so to speak) then the answer is as simple as taking from the richest entity in the country (THE GOVERNMENT) and not giving it back to but rather leaving it in the hands of the poor (US).
One further item needs to be addressed - Earmarks, Pork projects and other financial appropriations.
There is ONLY ONE WAY to put an end to this travesty.
Once the above tax rate of 10% is made law – we must also add the provision that once income tax monies have been forwarded to the Federal Government – NO FUNDS ARE TO BE RETURNED TO THE STATES. Period!! Ever!!!!!
The monies we pay to the Federal Government are to be used for Federal (National) issues.
This would eliminate Senators and Representatives vying for pork projects. There would be no further reason to lobby them and nothing for them to trade and bargain with each other for. Everything they would be voting
on would only have a Federal purpose. (Defense, Trade, Federal Salaries, Security, International relations, etc.).
(It may also greatly improve the nobility of the candidates that would now choose to run for office. If today’s politicians can no longer bleed the tax payers or lobbyists, the greedy opportunists we have now would
have to take their glib and polished demeanors to the private sector and ply their trade there.)
Want to bet that not even half of them would ever make it past middle management??????????????
If (by any chance) the Federal Government runs at a surplus (insert loud guffaws here), then those tax dollars stay in the hands of the Federal Government to be used when emergencies do happen. (Disaster aid, Wars, and the like)
No longer would tax payers in Maine fund river projects in Texas, or tax payers in Ohio fund research at Universities in California. And so on and so on and so on!!!!!
Useless and unnecessary departments need to go. Dept. of Education – GONE, Dept. of Agriculture – BYE BYE., Dept of Health and Human Services – SEE YA – and so on and so on.
The Cabinet??? – My guess is we can get along just fine with a Sec. of State (for foreign affairs), Sec of the Interior (for internal affairs), and a Sec of Defense (for Military issues). Everybody else – SO LONG!
As to the argument that such drastic measures are insane and would shove millions of government workers out into the street; there is an answer as well. When these depts. are cut, offer every single government employee a full 1 or 2 year phase out period. In other words. They will keep their jobs for two years as their dept is shut down. This gives the states time to beef up their own departments to cover issues the Fed used to and gives the ousted employees plenty of time to find a new private sector position. (Many would probably find their comparable positions in state and county governments.) Any employee will have the option of leaving at any time and will be offered 50% of their remaining salary as a severance. If the phase out is two years, an employee can opt leave immediately and get a full year of severance pay. Or they can stay a year while they look for other work and then leave and get 6 months of their remaining pay.
This is fair – humane – and NECESSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And now for the clincher - - - Get ready - - Here it is - -
The 10% Flat tax imposed by the federal government CANNOT BE RAISED BY CONGRESS EVER AGAIN.

If the government decides the 10% rate needs to be increased – the only way it can be increased is - it must be put onto the next national presidential election ballot and only the “People of the United States” can vote to increase the amount.
I am sending this to you because I have heard countless arguments regarding whose benefits have to be cut (pitting us against ourselves [young against the old, rich against the poor, etc]) and NEVER once has anyone suggested that the government has to be the one that takes the loss. This solution would work, and I bet (as I referenced earlier) that Steve Forbes could elucidate it far better than what I have done here.
My guess is that I can’t be the only one that has thought of this but if you have any questions or thoughts, I would be happy to respond.

I would forward this to others in the media (Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, Mike Huckabee, etc) but my guess is they will never even get to read it. Or even if they do – it would be too sweeping of an endeavor to even consider. My hope is you, with your business acumen, and those you speak to everyday might see some merit in this proposal.
We would only need ONE Senior politician or candidate to have the guts to champion this sweeping type of solution and the TEA Party throngs would take up the chant.
As a businessman, you have the hardest job in securing a party nomination. My guess is that professional politicians have no interest in seeing someone outside of their circle usurp them in an election.
It is my feeling that the ESTABLISHMENT (media, govt, etc) has absolutely NO INTEREST in giving any credence to a non-political candidate. If a businessman can win the highest office and actually do well, there is no reason to continue to think that Senatorships or Representative offices are breeders for the highest office. Excluding Governors - Senators and Reps. have NO SKILL SET to run anything. And Governors may well run large budgets BUT - IT'S NOT THEIR MONEY!!!!!!!!! A businessman making a million $ decision vs a Governor making a million $ decision is not the same thing!!!!!
You won the first debate in South Carolina hands down. Nonetheless, your name is almost nonexistent in media conversations since then. Since Huckabee and Trump pulled out, all the media talk is about how that might help Bachman, Daniels, Pawlenty, Santorum, or Romney – NEVER CAIN!!!!!
You have to be far more dynamic, far more original and infinitely more appealing.
Everyone else will be running against Obama – and playing to those he has alienated.
Don’t Do it – Don’t run against something – run FOR something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you can put up a better and more appealing model than other Republicans and show everyone a better life than the one Obama envisions for us – YOU WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
The “Right” wants this to be a race where a vote for a Republican is a vote against Obama – They could lose that one!!
Trying to get the general public to believe that they must vote against the first Black President in order to make things better is a HUGE mountain to climb and may well be an insurmountable one.
Someone (hopefully you) needs to make the public feel that their vote for a new candidate is not a vote against Obama, but rather, a vote for a NEW VISION, a NEW WAY, a NEW LIFE.
I know this may sound blasphemous to many BUT here it goes –
AMERICA – you made the right choice in 2008. The Federal Government was corrupt, out of kilter and running wild. You voted in 2008 for hope and change. That was the right thing to do. Your vote has brought about huge changes that have had years to develop and show success. It hasn’t. That’s a fact.
You voted for Hope and Change and you got it. But you didn’t get a NEW VISION – you didn’t get a new WAY and you certainly didn’t get a NEW LIFE. It’s time to get all three!!!! You had the right idea!! - You just picked the wrong guy!!
I know I have pontificated at length in this missive – BUT – this country needs a Herman Cain.
I hope you actually get to read this!
I am not a scholar or a politician. I am not rich. I am not particularly gifted (except for the blessings of my wife and family) and I am not better or worse that anyone on my street, block or city. But I am an American (served in the Marines) and I love my country dearly. And while I worry (and sometimes fear) for the generations that will follow me I have an unshakeable faith and pride in the United States.
If we were to take up this drastic and sweeping change to the size of government, NOW is the time to do it. We must develop a rallying cry for the conservatives (the true center) in this country. Many came out to vote this last November – MANY MORE will need to be rallied for 2012. (You can bet your house on the fact that the Democrats are already shifting voters [and establishing residencies] to what they consider “swing states” in the Electoral College in order to steal the next election as well).
This kind of change can only happen with a conservative majority in the House (DONE) – the Senate (next election) and the White House. Reclamation in 2012 – it’s coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


John Mahr (hence the term MAHRvelous)


My “DREAM TEAM” for the upcoming election would be Herman Cain for President and Michele Bachmann as his running mate.

My pick for President (and why) is highlighted in my blog titled - “Cain – the 1 “UNTAINTED” candidate” -. Please read the blog and you will see why I think Herman Cain can do more in the office of President than any other candidate.

Let me state here that I believe Michele Bachmann would be as good a President as Herman Cain. But my “DREAM TEAM”– is not about who’s best for the positions – it is about which team has the best chance of GETTING INTO OFFICE – This is not about who makes for the best Pres./Vice-Pres. tandem – it is about who makes for the best nominee tandem - Therefore –

I believe that Herman Cain has a FAR BETTER chance of defeating Obama than Michele Bachmann.
  1. Obama facing off against a Black nominee completely removes any “White Guilt” that has been bandied about since the last election.
  2. Obama (in facing another Black candidate) will certainly have some portion (the # is arguable) of his Black voting bloc diminished because of the match-up. Many will now have to actually make a decision between two candidates and not just “vote for the black guy”.
  3. There is a portion of the black community (the # is arguable) that is EMBARASSED that the 1ST BLACK PRESIDENT is so completely incompetent. A chance to correct that could loom large for them.
  4. Herman Cain is EVERY BIT AS INSPIRATIONAL A SPEAKER as Obama. (Perhaps even more so). Selling a conservative viewpoint (of jobs, personal responsibility, free choice, LESS GOVERNMENT, etc) to an Obama mesmerized audience can only be accomplished by a black candidate that has achieved success by using his own doctrines. There is absolutely NO WAY that Bachmann, Pawlenty, Romney, Gingrich, et al, can speak to the Black and Hispanic community and say “…I will reduce the size of government and your life will be better for it”. They won’t believe them. Herman Cain can deliver that message and they might believe him.
  5. While there has never been a woman President – there has also NEVER BEEN A FEMALE VICE-PRESIDENT. If the Cain/Bachmann ticket can win, Michele still breaks new ground and becomes the first woman to ever hold that office.
  6. With 8 years of Herman Cain in office (I am supremely optimistic) Michele Bachmann would be perfectly placed as the “heir apparent” to the Presidency. Her term as a Vice-President could ensure 16 years of conservative Executive Branch dominance for the Republican Party.
  7. Michele Bachmann is soooo optimistic, soooooo upbeat, soooooo effervescent that I have a hard time believing a sizeable enough majority would take her seriously for President. She is extremely sharp and articulate – BUT – she will have that same problem that ALL WOMEN have when playing with the Big Boys. If she smiles too much and looks to happy and upbeat – she is vacuous, dimwitted, and shallow. If she shows any measure of pugnacity or comes on forcefully she is disrespectful, can’t handle the stress and a B****. The (left cajoling) media would do her far more damage than what they could foist upon Herman Cain.
  8. Michele Bachmann is also young enough that as a Vice-President, the years in office would give her the national recognition and acceptance that she needs to aspire to be the 1ST WOMAN PRESIDENT. Without the kind of scrutiny she will have to face and overcome now.
  9. We have already elected a 1st Black President. Having a chance to elevate a woman to the highest office ever held by a woman would be a “feel good” moment for all of us as well.
  10. One final issue - PAY ATTENTION TO THE ONE PERSON THE ADMINISTRATION TALKS ABOUT THE LEAST. That will be who they fear most.!!! Right now that seems to be Herman Cain. It is my belief that the Obama administration is “SCARED TO DEATH” of Herman Cain. My guess is they don’t want to do anything that would give Herman Cain a chance at increased exposure or notice. No matter what he says – They won’t respond. No matter what he proposes. They won’t respond. They will respond to something said by Romney, or Gingrich, or Paul, or Pawlenty, etc. They don’t believe any of those candidates have a ghost of a chance of rallying enough independent votes to hurt them. But Herman Cain – Oh, he doesn’t even exist. Obama would ‘shake in his boots’ if he ever had to debate Herman Cain without a nearby teleprompter. Oh – I would pay to see that !!!!!!!!!!!!!
My "DREAM TEAM" has not been compiled with the idea of who would be best in either office (Pres.or Vice-Pres.) it is simply compiled considering the demographics of the voting public and:

CAIN - The 1 "UNTAINTED" Candidate

I like Herman Cain because of the "...content of his character". A measuring tool to be applied to ALL public 'elected or appointed' officials.

It is my feeling that the ESTABLISHMENT (media, govt, etc) has absolutely NO INTEREST in giving any credence to a non-political candidate. If a businessman can win the highest office and actually do well, there is no reason to continue
to think that Senatorships or Representative offices are breeders for the highest office. Excluding Governors - - Senators and Reps. have NO SKILL SET to run anything. And while Governors may well run large budgets - there is a difference - - IT'S NOT THEIR MONEY!!!!!!!!!
A businessman that has to make a multi-million $ decision vs. a Governor having to make a multi-million $ decision is not the same thing!!!!!
The continued statements that have been made in many circles (especially the media talking heads) that Herman Cain “…is not even close to any of the rest of the candidates, he has no history" confound me.
He has no history AT WHAT????????????
Duplicity??? - Speechmaking??? - Shaking Hands??? - Campaigning??? - Obfuscation of issues??? - Political Nepotism??? - and so on and so on?? These - among others - are the skill set of our elected officials (politicians).
While using my previous measuring stick (about business experience)  allows Romney some leeway - I am the first to (sadly) admit that Romney (while having been a businessman) has become so politicized that I do not trust him to supersede his political acumen for his business sense. He has the skill set - but I believe it has been eroded by cronyism and an entrenchment in the political establishment.
Ron Paul - YES - does have an immense knowledge of economics and the underpinnings of our decades long financial decline. His social issues also seem to be firm and rooted in conservative values. BUT - his foreign and military stances are so rooted in isolationism and libertarian ideology that I cannot support his stances there. The issues involved in our global economic immersion and military presence are far more complex than Ron seems to want to admit. 

Herman Cain is the only "untainted" candidate out there.

His answers to questions about foreign policy are always based upon his knowledge of the problem. Not being in the inner circle and not privy to sensitive secret issues disallows him to give the answers people want to here. THAT IS HONEST. Any good businessman knows you can't make pronouncements regarding issues without all the necessary facts. Herman Cain will never tell you what you want to hear for the sake of having something to say. Once again, THAT IS HONEST.
Obama made grand statements and promises about foreign policy and military issues during his campaign but then got into office (learned what only a president and a select few really know) and had to say WHOA !!!!!
Cain is smart enough to know better.
As to the myriad of statements out there that this is a lackluster field of candidates -I say NOT TRUE!!!
The continuous bandying (amongst many) of the “lackluster” term is nothing more than the media’s way of trying to tell us all that “we are not worthy” – yet. I would say to those keeping their eye on the Republican dash for the party candidacy, - - PAY ATTENTION TO THE ONE PERSON THE ADMINISTRATION TALKS ABOUT THE LEAST. That will be who they fear most.!!!

Right now that seems to be Herman Cain. It is my belief that the Obama administration is “SCARED TO DEATH” of Herman Cain. My guess is they don’t want to do anything that would give Herman Cain a chance at increased exposure or notice. No matter what he says – They won’t respond. No matter what he proposes. They won’t respond. They will respond to something said by Romney, or Gingrich, or Paul, or Pawlenty, etc. They don’t believe any of those candidates have a ghost of a chance of rallying enough independent votes to hurt them. But Herman Cain – Oh, he doesn’t even exist. Obama would ‘shake in his boots’ if he ever had to debate Herman Cain without a nearby teleprompter. Oh – I would pay to see that !!!!!!!!!!!!! 

At this point "Howdy Doody" would do a better job at President than the present guy in the office and "Buffalo Bob" isn't even here to speak for him. (Wow-really dated myself there)
Give Herman Cain another look - perhaps you might find he isn't as "Lackluster" as you think!!
There are those that say we can't have someone learning on the job??? What is a President to learn???
The job of President IS NOT to know everything about every subject. CAN'T and WON'T HAPPEN!!
Every applicant to the job (excluding the idiot in now) has had some history in some area of expertise in his past. Maybe economics, perhaps foreign affairs, or social issues , or energy - or military and defense – or something.
The job of President is NOT to know everything or even anything - it is to DECIDE on everything. He has to be a decision maker. That is the key.
When a person takes on the mantle of President he MUST surround himself with competent people that have the knowledge of issues that he doesn't. He must have a cadre of people that will tell him what he wants to hear as well as what he doesn't want to hear.
Today’s politicians surround themselves with credentialed individuals that have a politically nepotistic reason for being there. (They know somebody, went to school with somebody, financially supported somebody, and so on). It is a culture of "Quid Pro Quo" politics. That has to stop.
The man or woman we put into office has to have the ability (and courage) to surround himself/herself with the right advisors and then make immediate and forthright decisions based on the information he/she has. That's it. No more complicated than that.
Obama took 6 days to decide to shoot the pirates that took one of our captains hostage off the Somalia coast. A decision that doesn't need more than a few hours to make.
He took 3 months to answer his Gen on the troop surge in the Afghan war. A decision that should have taken no more than several days. (An elected President, prior to his inauguration, is brought up to speed on EVERY issue.
That is what a “lame duck presidency” is for). His explanation of having to ssess the issue was as stupid as it was lame.
I had heard that the Navy Seals built a mockup of the Bin Laden compound and practiced their mission for 7 months (7 MONTHS). If they built the compound 7 months ago they must have had the intel for the mission way before that as well. WHAT THE HELL TOOK SO LONG TO PULL THAT TRIGGER?
There are countless more examples of Obama hedging on decisions in order to take the measure of the political wind.
How many times did Senator Obama vote “Present” while in Congress??????????????????
Not only is this guy (Obama) in office devoid of any knowledge about issues, he has incompetent advisors as well - whose only purpose is to advise him of a decision's impact on his party, his stature, or his legacy. If you think Anthony Weiner was a narcissist, take another look at Obama.
We need a decision maker. Someone that can look at an issue (no matter how complicated) with a "Cost benefit analysis" and PULL THE TRIGGER. If he is wrong - then he is wrong - but make the damn decision.
As to Herman Cain - I believe him when he says "...I will put the right people around me that have the foreign policy experience, economic experience, legal expertise, trade knowledge, etc.", and so on and so on.
People that have the knowledge to tell him - this ruler is " this and has ...this agenda... and responds to this" or "this country wants this to happen or is trying to accomplish this or that” - or " the history on this issue is this" - and so on and so on."

Presidents never have to know everything – they have to DECIDE ON EVERYTHING!

In closing – does anyone really think that any established career politician would EVER have the Courage, Chutzpah, Cojones, or Nerve to come into office and eliminate whole departments of people? Remember – career politicians are all part of the same family – and families protect their own. All of the countless directors, managers, chiefs, supervisors and czars are all appointed by – guess who !!!! POLITICIANS.
The ONLY CHANCE we have to correct the horrid and miserable state of affairs in our bloated and self serving government is to elect an "UNTAINTED"  candidate into the Oval Office and give him the majority he needs in both houses such that he can GET THINGS DONE.

Herman Cain doesn't need on the job training - He is a decision maker now !!!!!!!!!!!!